Contamination Products
STS Contamination Simulants
STS Liquid Simulant Spray LS1 Liquid Simulant For Use With All STS Contamination Probes
STS Simulants supplied as part of the Safe Training Systems Ltd radiation simulation system, and must not be used for any other purpose, nor be substituted by any other material. Used to demonstrate spread of radioactive contamination, enables realistic training in the use of monitoring instruments to be undertaken and to simulate decontamination processes.
Key Features & Applications • Used in various ways to demonstrate spread of radioactive contamination. • Enables realistic training in the use of monitoring instruments to be undertaken. • Used to simulate decontamination processes. • Liquid is dispensed from a small container with a pump-type dispenser, and will form droplets or patches on metal and fabric surfaces. • Patches of contamination will be unobtrusive, especially if the surface is not in pristine condition. • Suitable for use on soil, vegetation, vehicles and equipment. • Can be used by staff who are wearing protective clothing, including emergency suits, laboratory coats, overalls, rubber gloves etc. • LS1 will have no effect on such materials, but permeable clothing, wetted with the liquid should not be allowed to stay in contact with the skin. • Gas/Vapour generated by LS1 and SS4 when used as recommended is unlikely to pose a significant hazard to health or environment. • Must not be used for any other purpose, nor be substituted by any other material for it will render any guarantee null and void. *See the Safety Data Sheets for further information*
Technical Specifications •
Additional information • Accidental skin contact by either LS1 or SS4 is very unlikely to result in any irritation or other effect, but it is recommended that it is not deliberately applied to the skin, especially the face and eyes, and that accidental splashes are washed off immediately. • Monitoring of contaminated equipment, plant and staff is carried out in the same way that it would be with real radiation instruments, and the use of a simulator embodying a real, or apparently real, ratemeter adds to this realism. Probes, of the same external form as the probes normally used, extend the realism considerably. • The simulation is particularly appropriate to alpha radiation, but training in the measurement of surface contamination levels of beta and gamma radiation may also be given. • To operate effectively the probe should be held within 1cm of the surface to be monitored. At or below 0.5cm a countrate of greater than 1000cps may be achieved, and this will diminish to zero when the probe has been moved away from the surface. • In addition, if the probe is brought in contact with LS1, it will become contaminated and emit a continuous signal, as a geiger or scintillator probe would when contaminated with a radioactive contaminant. The discipline of good probe manipulation near surfaces is thus instilled by the system, resulting in good practice by the trainee when set to work. • Decontamination of equipment and protective clothing, vehicles, floors etc., may be demonstrated by washing with water or a water-detergent solution, and both will result in a reduction of countrate, but not necessarily complete cleaning. Use of swabs also results in a reduction in countrate, and in this case it may be demonstrated that the swab has become contaminated during use. • Use of proprietary decontamination foaming sprays results in the complete removal of LS1 from both metals and fabrics. Scenarios involving the monitoring and subsequent clean up of spills, of donning and doffing safety equipment and clothing, and of the spread of contamination by accidental contact with contaminated items and floors may be easily staged, and all will have considerable realism. • Depending on the quantity of LS1 spread, the surface texture, temperature and air movements, the apparent radiation will continue to be emitted for up to 2 hours. Evaporation of the liquid will cause the signal to reduce, and after 12hours no signal will be found, and the area will be completely clean of any residual contamination. This will then allow the training to be repeated in the same area without any problem of background signal.
STS Solid Simulant Source SS4 Powder Simulant For Use With All STS Contamination Probes
STS Simulants supplied as part of the Safe Training Systems Ltd radiation simulation system, and must not be used for any other purpose, nor be substituted by any other material. Used to demonstrate spread of radioactive contamination, enables realistic training in the use of monitoring instruments to be undertaken and to simulate decontamination processes.
Key Features & Applications • Used in similar ways to liquid source LS1, in that it can be spread in the training area, on the ground, equipment, protective clothing etc, without having any effect on these items. • A free flowing powder which does not adhere to dry surfaces. • Limited to horizontal or near horizontal surfaces, in folds of cloth or clothing etc. • White in colour and more physically obvious than LS1 therefore consideration should be given to providing a suitable background against which its presence will not be immediately apparent. • Ideally used on a rough white surface, or use with sugar or salt for example, which will mask the powder. • Due to increased surface area of the powder, a larger signal will be obtained. • Decontamination may be demonstrated by washing, sweeping etc.
Technical Specifications •
Additional information • The perfect training period by SS4 is about 2 hours for a 0.3g pile of material, after which the signal will decrease, reaching zero cps after about 4 hours. • An inert powder will remain after the signal has completely disappeared.
