Biffa Waste Services and Infinis Energy plc have become the latest companies to adopt online monitoring of their landfill gas energy processes in order to better control damage that contaminants in the gas cause to CHP Engines.

Biffa Waste Services have utilised the STS Siloxane Monitor to replace some redundant equipment installed some years ago for the same task. The STS monitor provides them with a much more hands off experience with data being available at the desk top rather than requiring interrogation of the system on site. Multiple sites data are accessible from a central location enabling easier monitoring and closer cost control on carbon filters and monitoring of their life span. The monitors require little maintenance or interaction and so have proved successful on unmanned and closed landfill sites.

Infinis chose to utilise the STS monitors after a programme of research into carbon clean-up and a successful trial of a STS unit at one of their Midlands Sites. New carbon vessels have been installed at 2 sites and STS have subsequently supplied and installed Siloxane Monitors to help manage the carbon vessel change out routine. Monitoring the vessels allows the user to quickly identify the point at which saturation occurs and subsequent breakthrough causing Siloxane laden gas to be passed to the engines.
To find out more about our monitoring solutions please go to www.siloxanemonitoring.com