STS Radiation Simulation Systems
How they work
Specialising in the conversion of standard instruments for training purposes.

STS Contamination Simulation System
Specialising in the conversion of standard instruments for training purposes.
A range of instruments from the Thermo RadEye & Rotem Ram Gene to the Thermo Electra and Mini 900 are available all designed to replicate the response and characteristics of the real instruments. STS Simulators are able to replicate the characteristics of contamination from radioactive sources including cross contamination where clothing, skin or environmental contamination may occur; this is not possible to achieve with a real source scenario without undue exposure to the trainee.
Limiting the exposure of the trainer-
If real sources are used, every training session poses an additional cumulative dose to the trainer, while the trainee receives only the dose resulting from the session attended. Training with real radiation sources requires a considerable amount of paperwork to move sources, even very small ones, from secure areas, to “open field” exercise areas, using time which could be more productively used. STS simulators solve these problem– the trainer has no cumulative exposure from each training session and the trainee can make serious mistakes without any hazard to anyone.
STS simulators allow training to progress from “no knowledge” to a full understanding of instrument controls, the relationship of source position, instrument position and meter reading. Ultimately, as simulators cannot recreate the 1:1 million dynamic range of modern survey instruments, trainees will need to make measurements with real instruments and sources under supervision. However, their performance will be much more self-assured and confident if they have progressed to that point via good simulation training.

The STS Mini 900 uses proprietary gas sensing technology, consisting of two parts; simulated contamination and a modified
meter/smart probe to detect it. The simulated contamination is a safe liquid- STS LS1 which can be applied to clothing/
equipment/plant/surfaces, it slowly evaporates and due to the gas' dense nature the gas cloud stays near to the surface.
This simulation system is used to train staff in monitoring general radioactive contamination, or, in specific sites; Alpha
contamination. The gas cloud stays within about 2 cm of the surface, and within this range, the signal will range from 2000cps
at almost contact to background at 2 cm. To force the trainee to develop good monitoring technique, the system is regulated
so that if the monitor is passed too quickly over the surface or is too far away, little gas is captured. Hence the trainee learns to
monitor with the probe close to the surface and travelling slowly. The period when the LS1 is generating sufficient gas to enable
the simulation to operate is dependant on length of time, temperature and roughness of the surface. For example, on cold,
concrete floor, LS1 may remain for 2 hours, while on warm, rough cloth sleeve the liquid will have evaporated in less than 1 hour.
In any case, the source will have completely evaporated in 24 hours, allowing a new session to be undertaken without a
‘hangover’ from the previous training session. Due to the liquids sticky nature, it is easy to demonstrate transfer of contamination –
brushing a hand over a contaminated surface will result in the hand becoming contaminated and then everything touched is also
likely become contaminated. Decontamination by wiping/washing will allow clean-up procedures to be undertaken. Some
applications will require a solid contaminant and STS produce the SS4 powder stimulant for this purpose. STS' LS1 and SS4
Simulant is available in boxes of 10.

STS Radiation Field Simulation System
Handheld Radiation Instrument Simulation
The New STS Safe-Series is the latest development in hand held radiation instrument simulation providing the most realistic experience yet for trainees in the Nuclear Industry, Homeland Security and Emergency Services.
This new system has been developed to as closely as possible mimic a real ionising radiation field and the detection instruments have been designed to replicate the real response an instrument would give.
The simulated field is generated with a Radio Frequency source which utilises a unique antennae design producing a near isotropic
field of simulated radioactivity. The field is emitted in all directions out to a distance of approximately 15M depending on the activity
level set on the source. The Safe Series Mini-Sources are extremely compact measuring just 80x60x40mm, and therefore ideal for
covert training for either emergency planning, source retrieval or CBRN exercises. The sources are available in either a fixed activity
level, which may be selected individually on ordering, or a variable activity with a choice of 10 settings. The flexible software allows
for simulated radiation fields up to 10Sv/hr to be generated and down to 0.5uSV/hr for subtle applications. STS Safe-Survey Meters
and Dosimeters' detector alarm and background levels can be pre-set such that they are in line with real instruments used by
trainees. The real benefit of the STS Safe-Series instruments comes when group training is required. Up to 16 units can be fielded at
any one time and in any combination.

STS Safe-Survey Meters and Dosimeters
Nuclear training can therefore be truly tailored to the trainees requirements be that...
Radiation Field Simulation System-
So 6 participants can all have a survey meter operating, whilst wearing a Safe-EPD or Dosi-Safe dosimeter and 4 sources of
different field strengths can also be fielded- as on the right. All of the units talk to each other and the effect of having multiple
sources means an accumulated field strength is registered on the instrument. Exercises may therefore be conducted to
demonstrate the hazards involved where multiple sources are located and a large source may be masking the activity of other
weaker sources. The Safe-Series system requires no trainer input, except to set up the background and alarm levels required
before commencinga training session. Levels once set are remembered by the system so that next time the units are ready to
go without adjustment. On delivery, the instruments are set to the customers requested setting before being dispatched.
Both Dosimeters and Survey meters have LED alarm lights; activated once the alarm threshold is breached, and audible
buzzers (approx 80DB) which sound on the thresholds of either rate or dose alarms. On the dosimeters, the alarm has to be
acknowledged in order to stop the unit from sounding, each alarm has a different tone with the final dose alarm being an
uninterrupted tone. The radio frequency system allows the signal to be read though materials such as wood, brick, glass and
plasterboard - and the signal received by the instrument is attenuated differently for each material.
The system is therefore particularly suited to demonstrating the effects of distance (inverse square law), shielding and time on
the trainees received dose. As new instruments are developed by STS, they are manufactured so they will all continue to work
with the existing system. So new instruments can be incorporated into existing Safe Series framework without needing to replace
existing equipment.
