Rotem Industries

Rotem Ram Ion Meter
Portable Ion Survey Meter
The Ram Ion Meter is a battery operated, auto ranging portable ion chamber survey meter designed for highly stable and accurate measurement of dose rates and integrated dose of gamma x ray and beta radiation. Combining an ionization chamber vented to atmospheric pressure and a micro controller, the meter offers an optimal performance. Ideal use in nuclear medicine and power plants, radiography and radiotherapy facilities, life science laboratories, nuclear research centres and other industrial applications.
Key Features • External power input which can also be used to charge appropriate batteries. • Aluminum case with splash resistant keypad. • Backlight for easy reading in unfriendly environments. • Large, four digit, continuous ranging, LCD display. • Simple, three key operation. • Large 1.75" pancake GM detector. • Suitable for alpha, beta or gamma contamination detection. • Unit readouts of count rate: (CPS in contamination mode and (μSv/hr) in dose mode. • Audible and visual (LED) count rate indication. • Smart Firmware provides fast, yet stable response. • Alarms for overflow, low battery and detector failure. • Automatic self diagnostic routines. • Transition between measuring dose rate radiation & Contamination achieved by removing/replacing plastic cap.
Technical Specifications • Display: Large, 4 digit, continuous, ranging LCD readout of count rate, dose rate, overflow, low battery & detector failure. • LED: Flashing count rate indication. • Audio: Piezo electric element synchronized with count LED. • Units: Counts per second (cps) or counts per minute (cpm) and μSv/hror mR/hr. • Controls: 3 key keypad with positive feedback for ON/OFF, key combinations to select count rate/dose rate unit displays. • Power: External 9VDC/Standard 9V alkaline battery -approx 50 hrs continuous use with speaker off. Automatic battery check under full load. • Detector: 1.75" Pancake GM tube -LND73118 or equivalent. • Count Range: 0 -42,000 cps. • Sensitivity: Approximately 5.8 cps/μSv/hr(58 cps/mR/hr) -137Cs. • Measuring Range: 0.05mR/hrto 700mR/hr(0.05μSv/hrto 7000μSv/hr). • Dimensions: 11cm x 6.7cm x 7.4cm (4.3" x 2.6" x 2.9") • Weight: 0.340 Kg (0.75 lbs)
STS can supply the whole range of instruments from Rotem Industries - please call 01189 799591 or send us an enquiry to to get more information and quotes on the models you require.
